Additonal ways to Help!
Backpack Blessings, Inc is a 501c3 non-profit organization that provides weekend meals to students in all Panama City Beach Schools. These students, who have been identified by their counselors and teachers as needing additional support, receive 7 meals and snacks each for each weekend.
Help us continue to keep providing meals to these hungry students! Together we are better!
Financial Support:
This directly helps Backpack Blessings continue this mission to feed students.
Donate Food:
Donate food items or organize a food drive to help reduce the amount we are spending monthly.
Weekly Bag Packing and Distribution to Schools:
Thursday 8:30am at Hospitality Depot 158 Griffin Blvd. Panama City Beach, FL 32413
Monthly Food Order Unpacking:
1st Wednesday of the month – 12 noon at Hospitality Depot 158 Griffin Boulevard Panama City Beach, FL 32413
Community Awareness:
Social media/organizations/ church groups
Identify and contact businesses, foundations or individuals to help support feeding students.
Organize special treats or encouraging notes for student’s bags.
Reach Out to Local Companies for Support:
Donations of food or financial support.
Invite Volunteers:
Invite friends, church groups, teams or local organizations to join us to pack, hold a food drive, start a fundraiser or just pray for these students.
Coordinate Events:
Publix days, Chick-fil-a or other restaurants or other business that offer share nights
Pray for these students and families receiving these bags, for administrators and teachers supporting these students daily and identifying these needs, our volunteers who make mission possible – we are nothing without them, and for Backpack Blessings mission to be fulfilled and allow us to continue to grow and adapt to the needs of our community!
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” Helen Keller
Monthly We Distribute:
• 1500 cans Spaghetti O’s with meatballs
• 750 cans Chicken noodle soup
• 750 cans Ravioli
• 1500 applesauce/mandarin oranges
• 1500 apple juice/capri sun juice pouches
• 1500 cans tuna/chicken
• 1500 pouches of instant oatmeal/grits
• 1500 small cereal pouches
• 1500 pop tarts/muffins/danishes
• 1500 peanut butter crackers
• 1500 granola/nutrigrain bars
• 3000 packages chicken ramen
• 375 jars peanut butter
Backpack Blessings Stats:
• We serve over 370 Bay County School Student each week.
• Weekly we provide 7 meals for weekends (2590 meals per week)
• We serve 8 schools on Panama City Beach
• Students are Pre-K thru 12th grade
• We spend $7 per student each week. $2625.per week
• We rely 100% on donations and volunteers
• We are a 501c3 organization. Donations are tax deductible.
• 100 % of funds raised go to purchase food.